Friday, March 26, 2010

March Madness

March started out with some "madness" for us! Thank goodness for these little boys, this was after 2 days of Ben screaming, I finally called in reinforcement! Ben stopped eating Tuesday night and pretty much screamed until Saturday, not eating, barley sleeping and making his mom a nervous wreck! After going to the doctor multiple times we think that he couldn't tolerate formula (I was just starting to quite nursing). He is doing better now but a couple of scary days.

There's a happy boy! He loves being outside.
Elo's wedding! She looked amazing, I was just sad that my little boy didn't cooperate and screamed most of the night!
We tease Bry that he isn't much bigger than Ben so we decided to swaddle him up like Ben and put him to bed!
We went up to Bear Lake to watch all the basketball games. It was lots of fun especially when the girls cleaned house in poker!
Finally we can go outside for a walk! The whole stroller ride Ben kept leaning forward trying to look at Wynter.
He's getting so big - two teeth and he is sitting on his own. He doesn't crawl yet but rolls all over the place, I will leave him on this blanket and look back and he on the wood floor.


Amanda said...

He is getting so big..and he really is very very handsome. Those nights where they scream all night!!!...ahh!!..makes you wonder what you were thinking by having a child...haha. but then you see that happy smiling face and you wonder how the heck did that thought cross my mind. anyway.. i miss you! i'm coming to utah end of may and beg. of june we need to get together.

Bailey Family said...

Karly! Your little boy is so so so adorable! K cutest little smile ever. He looks so sweet! Sounds like he is learning how to be a stinker for you (I completely understand:) but those little faces make it all worth it. Love seeing updates on your cute family. I wished I would have been able to go to Elise's wedding so that I would have been able to see you. Bummer!

Ashley Wood said...

Oh Karly I am so sorry you had a rough time! I understand the not sleeping thing!! What is it with these boys of ours? I was up like 8 times last night!! So call me if you need to vent! Well.... one good thing, is he is so dang cute...seriously I can't believe he already has teeth!! He is just so adorable. Give that little boy of yours a hug from Drake and me! You are a great mom, don't forget that!

Nick and Leila said...

I cannot believe how fast he is growing, I still remember when he was tiny! We really need to get together! Maybe we can have a play date soon!