Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Well it's official - The Thompson are finally going to have a missionary after 3 girls. We all couldn't be more excited. All I can say is Jeffrey is one lucky missionary. He is going to be getting some of the best packages in the world! He is going to ...................................................................... the Tulsa, OK mission. He really is so excited and so ready to go.
Jeffrey was really nervous to read his call so my dad snook up behind him and read it. Now for those of you who know my dad just imagine him jumping around and yelling yes. Mean time we were all still wondering where he was going.
The whole Thompson family minus Brett. It quite the event. Its the only time we will open a mission call in our family!
All the grandkids love to play dress ups. The best part is most of those are my old dance costumes.
Some of my favorite people! Danny and I felt more comfortable sitting at the kids table for Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving dinner at my parents house
Our cute niece Madi at the Adam's family Christmas party. You can imagine Danny loves this picture. He taught Madi to say "Go Yankees"!
Cute little Sammy - we had a little scare yesterday. I came home from work and she was gone. Danny was out of town so I was a nervous wreck! I feel like Sammy is my baby. Lucky we have great neighbors who found her and took care of her


Julie said...

fun pics! Those kids are getting SO big, I can't believe it. What a cute picture of Dale too, that picture of your parents behind him is cracking me up, I can just imagine exactly what they were doing and how they were acting!

PS you were more comfortable at the kids table.... hhhmmmmmmm sounds like you need to have one! :)

Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!!