Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Whole Adams family at Temple square! The last time we all went, Danny and I were dating and we were minus Paige and minus 4 1/2 kids! PS Paige just found out she's having a BOY! Yeah for boy cousins!
A nice little winter blizzard! To bad all the snow is melting now, of course we have snow for Thanksgiving but maybe not for Christmas!

Wynter's 1st birthday party, Pretty stinkin cute Owl party!
Ben really enjoyed Thanksgiving, lots of food and lots of messes! Pretty much everyone was sick on Thanksgiving in the Thompson home so we had it a day later, I wouldn't depress you all and tell you were Danny, Ben and I spent Thanksgiving!

Next post, all of my Christmas crafts, I am a crazy person, for some reason I just keep crafting away, you might ask why I don't post them now, well the Advent Calendar that I've been working on for the last month still isn't done and I keep finding more things to do!!!


Lindsay said...

So cute Kar!! I'm excited to see you for the Christmas party! Merry Christmas!