MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you all had a wonderful season. I can't believe it's already over

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you all had a wonderful season. I can't believe it's already over
Posted by Karly & Danny at 11:57 AM 5 comments
I forgot to put this on my post yesterday. I have been making these beaded watch bands and I am selling them this weekend at a party in Bountiful . It is at the Muir's house which is on Canyon Oaks Circle right off of 1800 South. It is right by Biz Lalli's old house. Anyways it is Saturday from 10 to 4! So I would love to see anyone there! Also I am doing another party in Logan the 3 week of December.
Posted by Karly & Danny at 10:44 AM 3 comments
Well it's official - The Thompson are finally going to have a missionary after 3 girls. We all couldn't be more excited. All I can say is Jeffrey is one lucky missionary. He is going to be getting some of the best packages in the world! He is going to ...................................................................... the Tulsa, OK mission. He really is so excited and so ready to go.
Jeffrey was really nervous to read his call so my dad snook up behind him and read it. Now for those of you who know my dad just imagine him jumping around and yelling yes. Mean time we were all still wondering where he was going.
The whole Thompson family minus Brett. It quite the event. Its the only time we will open a mission call in our family!
All the grandkids love to play dress ups. The best part is most of those are my old dance costumes.
Some of my favorite people! Danny and I felt more comfortable sitting at the kids table for Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving dinner at my parents house
Our cute niece Madi at the Adam's family Christmas party. You can imagine Danny loves this picture. He taught Madi to say "Go Yankees"!
Cute little Sammy - we had a little scare yesterday. I came home from work and she was gone. Danny was out of town so I was a nervous wreck! I feel like Sammy is my baby. Lucky we have great neighbors who found her and took care of her
Posted by Karly & Danny at 4:57 PM 1 comments
Our pride and joy - we spent hours carving these! Danny's is a Yankees sign, mine is a witch and Sammy's is a little paw print!
Oh Sammy, we made her get in the garbage can to smash the leaves down - great fun!
Raking leaves in the back yard - Sammy was having all kinds of fun running around in them
The Logan Pumpkin Walk! A bunch of talented people in the community make all sorts of scenes using pumpkins. With my brother-in-law Josh, Will, Drew and there neighbor Ava
Andra's wedding lunch. It was such a fun day and I am so excited for Jordan and Andra - they make the cutest couple! Plus it is always so much fun to see old friends.
Happy 23rd Birthday me! Danny was so cute and had such a fun night planned out for me.
Halle "Berry" Butterfield as Danny likes to call her! Our newest niece! She is so stinking cute. We now are the proud aunt & uncle of 7 kids - 3 girls and 4 boys! I just wish they all lived closer to us like Will and Drew.
Posted by Karly & Danny at 12:18 PM 3 comments
So I think I was suppose to live in Boston. Maybe it will happen someday. We'll keep dreaming! We had such a good time in Boston. Danny had to work and I wasn't going to let him go without me so we kinda had a pre-birthday trip. The only down fall was I lost my blanket that I've had since birth. Only a few of you will honestly understand the magnitude of this but don't worry I am trying to get over it.
At Boston Commons, Danny was having a great time pestering the ducks.
Danny visiting his great great great grandpas grave "Samuel Adams"!
Walking around Boston - honestly I could move there tomorrow. I love that city so much. I think it is the most beautifully designed city I have ever been to. A landscape Architects paradise!
On the USS Constitution Ship - we found out that they actually still sail it twice a year
At the end of the Freedom Trail - out on Boston Harbor
Walking along the beach in Martha's Vineyard.
This was so cool, during a certain time of the day the tide would go out and you could walk out in the water. It was so awesome, it felt like you were out in the ocean
On our drive up the coast on Cape Cod, Danny wanted the top down real bad so we compromised and turned the heat on in the car so I wouldn't freeze
Posted by Karly & Danny at 4:53 PM 10 comments
Family night at Cafe Sabor with some of my favorite people! Julie, The Adams, The Woods, The Giles and The Neils - we missed you Spenny!
Julie and Hannah came up to Logan for a couple of days! It was so much fun to spend time with them - it also opened my eyes to motherhood - wow how do all you girls do it!
Will got to have a sleep over with Danny, Sammie and me. He was in heaven - we went and got a toy and treats - now he always wants to come over for a sleep over.
A little miniature golfing - turns out I am just as bad a mini golfer as I am a real golfer - darn it
Mr and Mrs Watts!!! Yeah we love adding friends to our married friend circle
John Mayer-Colbie Caillat Concert with Besty and Matt
The Keate Family reunion up at Bear Lake, notice my 89 year old grandma, I think she looks the best of any of us!!
Posted by Karly & Danny at 11:13 AM 3 comments
June 1st we go the house - we spent our first night June 29th (our 2nd anniversary) it was the longest hardest month ever but we did it! Unfortunately I don't have before and afters of the exterior but don't worry I have lots of plans
We wanted a mantel and to be able to hang our TV above it so we had a concrete company come in and cut the rock out and then we had cabinets built on either side
Quite the change in the kitchen, we basically gutted the whole thing, we covered up the doorway and put new pretty much everything in!
We put in hardwood floors and made the opening into the kitchen wider
The master bedroom - it use to be two rooms but our bedroom furniture wouldn't fit so we torn the wall down
This was the old master bedroom, it is now Danny's office as you can see. This was his only request - Yankee blue wall, it was terrible to paint it took like 5 to 6 coats of paint
We turned this into the master bathroom - this was Danny's pride and joy (he did all the tile work)The basement carpet had to be the worst thing in the whole house! Some nice Elmo red carpet and some really cute wall paper - hard to let it go!
Posted by Karly & Danny at 1:15 PM 8 comments
Julie, Hannah and Whit and Luke. They have got to be the cutest little babies in town
Julie is a mom! Cute little Hannah is here! I feel like a proud aunt. She is beautiful and I can't believe Julie did it! WOW
Watching the Logan fireworks with the family, my cute sisters and mom
Elise is home! I can't believe she is home, it was so fun to see her and everyone else
At Danny's brother wedding in his parents back yard
Danny's niece Madi and with Sammy on the 4th
Danny's family celebrating the 4th in Bear Lake
We took Sammy up to Bear Lake and we through the ball in and she was a nature born swimmer. We're such proud parents
Posted by Karly & Danny at 6:02 PM 1 comments